Thursday, September 27, 2007 

How to Improve Semen - Sperm Taste for Gourmets?

"Consuming pineapple or parsley helps sweeten the taste of the male sperm ejaculate. Can there be any truth to this and what other foods affect the taste, for better or for worse?"

Yes, what you eat can influence the taste and smell of your semen - sperm. This is similar to the smell of your sweat on the next day of a heavy spice and garlic full dinner.

Because the average ejaculate consists mostly of protein, citric acid, fructose, sodium, chloride and smaller amounts of ammonia, ascorbic acid, acid phosphates, calcium, carbon dioxide, cholesterol, prostaglandins, creatine, and other minerals and chemicals which are produced by the prostate gland, Cowpers gland, testicles and many other parts of your body, but shortly by "your body", and your body can only use its stocks and what you eat as the raw material.

Of course, every body has its own formula for semen - sperm creation, but eating less meat (and proteins) and more carbohydrates, vegetables and fresh fruits may improve the taste and smell. For example parsley is a healthy plant and may help making your body juices sweeter.

In general, dairy products create the foulest tasting fluids, alkaline based foods as meat and fish produce a butter, fish like taste. Fruits and high quality alcoholic drinks are good for a pleasant, sugary flavor. Chemically processed liquors may cause an acidic taste.

The semen - sperm ejaculate of each male has a unique taste. When some men have bitter, burnt, sour and strong tasting ejaculates, some others, particularly vegetarians, may have sweet, nut like tasting semen - sperm. But in order to produce healthy and fertile sperm your body will need protein rich in zinc as well.

Strong and significant semen - sperm smell may also indicate an infection in the genital area and men must consult an urologist without losing time.

In the other hand, women also have to improve the salty and acidic taste of their vaginal secretions, but the strong and foul smell may be caused by the lack of cleanness, better is to visit a gynecologist periodically and keep the consultation records.

Certainly your body's duty is not producing tasty semen - sperm, but healthy and fertile ejaculates. Everything healthy and good for your body is also healthy and good for your semen - sperm. Drink mild water when you wake up and keep drinking more water than you usually drink during the day! Water will help to clean your body's pipeline including your bowels, and drinking 6 - 8 glasses of water daily will help your body to detoxicate. Eat less meat, more vegetables, drink less alcohol and specially stop smoking!

If your partner really loves you, she/he must love everything about you and your body. Don't spend your precious time to be busy with small details, learn how to be a great lover that your partner is not interested with your semen - sperm taste or smell instead.

Finally, we believe that if two people are in love with each other they won't be too disturbed even the semen - sperm taste is unsupportable, and will find a way to cover this default with condom, flavored lubricant, mouthwash... But the important question is how to produce healthy and good quality sperm, and avoid the transmission of many diseases and addictions to future generations!

Amy Guven is a founder partner of since 2000 and author of the famous "Amy's Better Sex & Relationships Tutorial - Reshape your Womanhood". Including all vital sex tips, tricks, techniques, pro methods and special relationship advice, and being highly successful as a reference book, Amy's Better Sex & Relationships Tutorial is helping people who try to live a good life worldwide.

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Incontinence: A Taboo Subject

Urinary incontinence or loss of bladder control. Its not at all uncommon and no one really wants to talk about it. Seeing the television commercials are a big step, yet talking about it remains something that might be whispered about behind closed doors. Chances are, your medical provider may not even talk about it. Its been my experience that when women are asked, they are often so surprised that an answer does not appear until a few visits later.

One brave woman opened up an asked this question in a womens forum:

Let's talk about kegels. Or rather, incontinence. I know, it's a very delicate subject, and I have frequently been embarrassed, ashamed, etc. about this little problem. For one thing, I didn't think I'd even face this until into my 80s or so. I'm too young to have to wear pads every day. I do kegels, when I think about it. I'm probably 10 pounds overweight, most of it in my belly and thighs. I don't have health insurance, so getting that little 'tie-up surgery is out. And besides, my little sister had that done and 6 years later, it's no longer effective. Anyone else struggle with this?

So, lets talk about urinary incontinence (UI) in women. To begin with, there are several types, but well focus on the two main ones here.

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) (thats the kind that occurs when you sneeze, cough, lift something, etc) is the most common form, affecting about 50% of those who experience incontinence. It seems to be more common in younger women, though occurs in older women as well.

Urge urinary incontinence (UUI) is more common with advancing age (this is the kind that when you gotta go, you GOTTA go NOW!). Many women will have a mixture of both.

There are various causes, but interestingly enough; studies have been inconsistent in identifying factors that regularly contribute to UI. Some contributing factors may include:

  • childbirth the more vaginal deliveries, the greater the overall risk
  • current smoking status as been associated with UI (though the results are inconsistent in former smokers)
  • obesity (it does improve with weight loss)
  • constipation
  • hysterectomy Some studies show a 60% greater risk of UI following a hysterectomy.
  • hormone therapy (A recent study showed that hormone therapy actually has been shown to increase the incidence of UI. JAMA. 2005;293:935-948.)
Kegels become and important part of treatment with SUI since frequently the pelvic floor muscles are weakened. Just like we need to do strength training for our overall health, we need to do pelvic muscle strength training to support our bodies.

When doing Kegels, it's important to make sure you are doing them correctly. To identify the correct muscles, sit on the toilet and try and stop your urination. You may notice that your attempts at stopping urinary are ineffective...well those are the very muscles you need to work on. Use this as a bench mark for yourself and re-test yourself weekly.

Kegels must be done several times each day. Fortunately, they can be done anywhere and no one need know what you are doing. When they are done frequently enough, most women will be able to tell a difference. In addition to the contractions, try holding the muscle tight for a count of 8-10.

Other possible treatments include: behavioral modification therapy using biofeedback, physical therapy using weighted cones to help strengthen pelvic floor muscles, bladder training, acupuncture, medications and surgery.

Treatment often takes a multi-pronged approach beginning with an evaluation to discover the exact type of UI that is present (they have different treatment approaches). Often times, treatment will consists of a few different modalities.

For women who wish to try self treatment first, do consider doing kegels, and increase your fluid intake. While that sound counter-intuitive, concentrated urine, along with caffeine are actually bladder irritant and will make the problem worse. Keep a diary to assess how often this is a problem, what may be some contributing factors, and what you are doing to address the problem. When you do see your health care provider, take this diary with you.

If you are faced with this issue, please do see your health care provider for an exam. Left untreated, it generally does not get better on its own, but can improve with the proper treatment.

2005, Barbara C. Phillips, Nurse Practitioner and founder of OlderWiserWomen inspires women to embrace the freedom, magic and wisdom of Successful Aging. Visit for your copy of "Celebrating You: 50 Tips for Vibrant Living".

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