Thursday, September 13, 2007 

Semen Production: Some Key Information Regarding Semen Production

Semen plays one of the most vital roles in providing sexual gratification to both the partners indulging in sexual activity. Inadequate volume or quality of semen creates a feeling of inadequacy in both the partners. Thus proper volume and quality of semen production is a vital part of the male anatomy.

In the semen there are millions and millions of sperm and a variety of secretions of the male sexual organs. Semen is the vehicle which carries the sperm to the female reproductive organs and thus plays a vital role in impregnation. It is wrongly believed that since ejaculation and orgasm are together achieved by males, one affects or influences the other. This is not the case at all. Orgasm and ejaculation are controlled by completely different body mechanisms and are thus not inter-related.

The color of the semen is grey or white and at times may be yellowish too. If it appears reddish or pink, it is advisable to consult a doctor. It may or may not indicate a health related issue.

The most interesting thing about semen is that it clots rapidly after ejaculation and again becomes thin liquid after a span of 5 minutes to 40 minutes, varying from person to person. If it does not clot and liquidity then again, there may be a health related issue. There may be fertility problems in such cases.

On an average, 2-5 ml semen is produced. Consistent variation in this volume indicates medical problems. However it has been noticed that in case of frequent ejaculations it is normal for semen volume to be lowered and in case of a long period of abstinence it may be slightly higher. It is normal.

Thus there are many aspects of semen production as well as healthy semen production. If you have any doubts regarding this process in your body, you must consult a doctor immediately. There are many drugs which have been scientifically proven to be effective in dealing with semen related problems. One very popular drug, popular since last 5 years or so, is semenax. It has proved to be effective in true sense and when taken in proper dose for prescribed period of time, has brought happiness to many couples.

There are many other traditional methods too like wearing light clothes, eating a particular type of food, doing various exercises and so on. You may follow any one of them too and try them out and lead a happy normal life!

Check out the Complete Semenax Review Site at for more information on semen production

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